General Ahmed Nasser, re-elected President of Africa Triathlon

By Olalla Cernuda | 12 Jun, 2021

General Ahmed Nasser has been re-elected President of Africa Triathlon at the electoral Congress held on June 10 at Sharm El Sheik (Egypt). General Nasser, president of the Egyptian Federation and the Arab Confederation of Modern Pentathlon, as well as member of the World Triathlon Executive Board, was elected unanimously. General Nasser was also elected President of the Arab Triathlon Confederation.

Dr. Debra Alexander (RSA), member of the International Paralympic Committee Council and First Vice President of World Triathlon, was re-elected as Vice President of Africa Triathlon also unanimously.

The Congress also elected the members of the Africa triathlon board, which for the first time in African sports history will have an equal percentage of males and females. These are the elected Board members:

Africa Triathlon President Major General Ahmed Nasser Mustafa Kamal Mohamed (EGY)
Africa Triathlon First Vice President Dr. Debbie Alexander (RSA)
Second Vice President Election Mrs. Nezha Bidouane (MAR)
Secretary General Mr. Alain St. Louis (MRI)
Treasurer Mrs.  Edwige Olga Ngnameko Ngassam (CMR)
Executive Board Member and Zone President Mr. Abd El Latif Lotfi Labaied (TUN)
Executive Board Members:
Mr. Boubacar Gaye (SEN)
Dr. Gloria Obajimi (NGR)
Dr. Chouiter Feriel (ALG)
Mr. Bawah Fuseini (GHA)

“I want to express our congratulations, and wish the best of luck, to all elected Africa triathlon members and especially to President Nasser. I am sure that we will continue working together developing triathlon in Africa”, said World Triathlon President and IOC member, Marisol Casado.

Congress approved a resolution and the creation of a Commission that will work together with the World Triathlon Legal & Constitution Committee to adapt the Africa Triathlon constitution to the World Triathlon one.

The electoral Congress took place in the Egyptian “city of triathlon”, Sharm el Sheik, with over 20 nations present, and a few more attending virtually due to the current travel restrictions still in place in some regions. The Congress also paid homage to African officials and to Henri Schoeman (RSA), the first African triathlete that has won an Olympic medal (bronze in Rio 2016).

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